Hello fam and welcome to my blog, The Top 10 Kings! 

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In today's article, we're gonna check out 10 tips you might have not known could save your life one day. So without further ado, let's get started!

10. Don't ever remove a knife or sharp object from a stab wound


Stab knife in the woods

Well that is in the movies and way different from real life.

If you ever get stabbed in a fight or in another scenario, please DO NOT attempt to remove the object from the wound without the supervision of a qualified health personnel. If a knife is in an artery or intestine, removing it by yourself can cause internal bleeding from an artery and internal infection from an intestinal wound.

 This is because you don't know where the tip of the knife is sitting. Also, the knife acts as a suction and helps reduce blood flow. Remember to keep pressure on the wound until a medical personnel arrives.

 So unless you have so much blood to spare, please don't pull the knife no matter the circumstance.

9. Do this when lost in a vast area

 Getting lost is everyone's nightmare but it happens and a lot too!

So what do you do when you realize that YOU'RE LOST?!

Don't panic as this is the main reason people never get found or something bad happens to them (coughs).

So take a deep breath and get ready to set yourself up to be found.

In order to be found, please not do the following:

i. If you are in a car, please don't leave your vehicle to find people. You are more likely to be found with a vehicle.

ii. Use a reflective mirror go reflect light on planes and helicopters for a chance to be saved.

iii. Wave your arms up and down. Even though you may think you look ridiculous doing so, it's LIFESAVING!

So stop being proud and WAVE (a lot). If you have a gun or a whistle, fire three shots or three whistle blast with the interval of at least 1 second.

But beware that this procedures are not a 100% effective depending on some certain circumstances.

And in the first place, please try not to get lost 😜.

8. Escaping a riptide

riptides top 10 kings

On the off chance that you end up stuck in a riptide, don't freeze. Try not to attempt to battle it and swim against it either as this will cause fatigue. 

Swim corresponding to the shore, and accept the way things are. The tear current will disseminate sooner or later, and it won't pull you under.

7. How to fish when in the Wild

To make a fishing snare, you can utilize the little tag on the highest point of your beer or soft drink can. It is the ideal shape for making a snare.

You should remove one portion of it and hone it. In the event that conceivable, you can add some bread to it as snare.

6. Stopping your car when the brakes fail

Speeding car in the dark with working brakes

In the event that you have ordinary brakes and they fizzle, you should begin pumping the brake pedal quick and difficult to develop brake fluid pressure. On the off chance that this doesn't help, you are encouraged to utilize the stopping brake. 

On the off chance that it doesn't work either, scratch your vehicle against a guardrail to back it off. The last choice will demolish your vehicle and ought to be utilized if all else fails.

5.  Starting a fire with few resources

Making a campfire with little resources

One demonstrated approach to produce flares is to use batteries and 2 little bits of foil (even a gum wrapper will work). You need to put each piece of foil on the end of the battery, and the foil will warm up and ignite. 

At the point when you figure out how to get a fire, you can utilize hand sanitizers as they contain alcohol.

4. If you witness an accident

accidents are deadly but with these steps, you should be good to go

If you witness an accident and the victim has a motorcycle helmet on, please do not attempt to remove the helmet because you don't know what it is holding together. 

Calmly loosen the chin strap but do not remove the helmet. Reassure the victim that everything will be fine and stay with the victim until the paramedics arrive.

If it is a car accident and there are children in the crash, it is advised not to remove the child(ren) from the seatbelt no matter how much they cry.

3. If you witness a person having a seizure

seizures can deadly but with this steps you can help a person with a seizure

If you are present when a person experiences a seizure, calm down and do the following.

  • If the person is going around the house or wherever this unfortunate event may occur, please remove objects as well as furniture (that you can move) from the path of the victim.
  • Ring the ambulance or any local emergency services around you
  • When the person recovers, calmly remind the person who you are and also tell him/her  you are so and so to the person and you are here to assist.

This is because seizure sufferers may suffer from temporary memory loss and these reminders help a lot.

DO NOT move or try to wake the person. Most importantly, DO NOT stick a spoon into the person's mouth.

a large crowd can become a stampede

2. Surviving a stampede

Stampedes happen every now and then and many people die as a result of been trampled on. So if you ever find yourself in a stampede, please do the following.

NOTE that if you have been knocked down in a stampede, your chances of survival has gone down significantly. But with these steps, you should be safe if you perform them properly:

  • If you have been knocked down, please assume the protective stance of tucking your feet as well as covering your head with your hands. You also need to face against the motion of the crowds so you don't get kicked in the face and make matters worse for yourself:(

1. When a person is choking

a person choking

We all have had this experience whereby a person near us or we personally have choked to a point we thought "this is the end". Maybe I am exaggerating a little bit too much but you get what I mean.

So what do you do when a person is choking and getting all tense and red?

If the person is choking but still able to talk or cough, please and please do not intervene! Let them try to get it out themselves. The fact that they are still able to cough means that air is in the airway and that there is only a partial obstruction.

If you then try to intervene, you could disrupt the airflow and cause a major obstruction. (we don't want to see the Coffin Dance guys now, do we?)

The only time you can help is when the airway is blocked and the person requires some help, then you can administer some gentle back blows.

And that's it for this article; 10 tips that could save your life!

I hope you enjoyed this article and if so, please don't forget to leave me a comment as this warms my heart to see your responses.
