Security is something we shouldn't take for granted and this is because it keeps up safe and well. But when taken for granted or jeopardized, bad things could occur (and fast!).

So let's begin and find out what tips are lifesaving and could reduce the amount of loss if we let out guard down.

10. Don't walk with both ear buds (or headphones) in your ear while listening to music on a street

This is to prevent you from being so oblivious of your surrounding and once you don't know what's happening around you, you are prone to acts like robbery, rape or even worse.

So if you're like me and you just can't remove those headphones, put on just one and not the two ears and you might have just reduced the chances of hooligans and thieves from stealing from you.

9. Know a majority of exits around you in case of emergency

Unfortunate things happen and you could find yourself in a situation that isn't pleasant at all.

So what do you do?

Have a mental note of a majority of exits (if not all) around you and prepare your escape plan.

This also applies to trains and airplanes.

8. Avoid dangerous and suspicious places, especially at night

Nighttime is an avenue for bad guys to flourish, doing what they love the most. 

But you could keep yourself safe by avoiding places you know are unsafe or suspicious. 

If you don't know any areas like this around you, do well to ask close friends and neighbors so you don't end up in trouble.

7. Don't ride the elevator with people you are uncomfortable with

Elevators have served man well since it's invention but have you thought about the kind of crimes that could occur in an elevator?

Reports of theft, rape and even murder has been recorded throughout the globe. So if you're about the ride the elevator but suddenly a person you're uncomfortable with tries to ride with you, consider your options and if your gut tells you not to ride, WAIT FOR ANOTHER ONE! 

Another elevator will surely come. 

Also, it might help if you ride the elevator with a number of people though this isn't a 100% safe but it's a better option.

6. Never text on your phone while on the streets

Texting has taken over the world and everyone (and you included) have texted someone in a point of your life.

But texting could become dangerous when it is done on the streets. You stand the risk of your phone being stolen, kidnapped or subject to even worse things.

So when you're done with reading this article and you're about to go out, keep your phone in your pocket (or bag).

5. If you're being followed (stalked)

It's so scary when the above scenario occurs in the movies. But what if this happens to you?

Once  you noticed you're being followed, take a turn (left or right) and turn in the same direction as the first time (left or right) 3 times.

At this point, you would have made a perfect turn to the point you originally started from. If the fellow is still tagging you, then this is no coincidence!

Walk, run or drive to the nearest police station (or some security outlet) and wait it out.  While at it, don't forget to tell them that you're being followed.

4. Be careful at the ATM 

If you notice some individuals hovering around the ATM without any real purpose and aren't withdrawing any cash, you might want to reconsider using another ATM.

Also, please try as much as possible not to count your money in public. This could cause unwarranted attention.

3. Lock your doors and windows at night

Many take for granted this simple, yet lifesaving tip.
Locking your doors and windows securely have been good ways of stopping theft.  

If you use vaults, don't go bragging about your belongings and goodies with friends or acquaintances. 

Keep your home safe and shut out thieves and other criminal elements.

2. Beware of pickpockets

Photo credit: Smarter Travel

Hold your bag as well as phones and jewelries close to you and do not lose focus. Pickpockets are very quick and everything with you could be gone in a  matter of seconds...WHOOSH!

1. Dial 911 even without service

The emergency line is always active and you could get emergency responders to you with a simple call, whether with network or not. 

The call will automatically find the nearest cell tower and connect to you ASAP!

So there you go!
10 security tips that could save your life as well as your loved ones. So please share and leave a comment especially if you've tried this methods before.

Stay safe and stay alive!!!