Welcome back to my blog and just in case you didn't read my previous article of Dumb Ways People Died, you can check it out here.

In this article, you will see 10 traits that if continued, could result in failure and possible loss of relationships. So let's get started!

10.  Gossip

Gossip has been argued to have two phases; the good and bad side. 

But many choose to talk about others negatively. There is no harm in discussing the interest of people you care about and ways you could help them but it becomes a bad habit when you do it to spite them and make them feel inferior or even useless in the eyes of others.

Gossip has been known to break relationships, shatter families as well as cause deaths (both suicidal as well as cold-blooded murder in a quest for revenge).

Please abstain from gossiping and causing harm to others whether deliberately or unknowingly.

9. Being Hypocritical

Hypocrisy is rampant in today's world and has caused a lot of pain. Hypocrisy also makes its victim torn in two: to be the good guy as well as being the bad guy.

We all have different personalities and as our faces our different, so are our characters. But would it be wise to fake being someone you are not, just to please others and gain favor from them?

Don't you think this behavior could hurt you in the future and even make you feel you have no identity or place in the society?

If you know you have some characteristics or lifestyle that you wish to change, seek advice and try your best to change.  This is the best course ever!

8. The inability to accept correction

Pride is good when used the right way. For example, you should be proud of whatever good deed(s) or accomplishments you've achieved.

But pride can also take a foolish turn when you start feeling you are better than others and don't accept correction.

Yeah....I know you are an adult and don't need correction, but is that really true? One way or the other, life is gonna teach us how to humble ourselves but why wait for an event that will be awkward or even embarrassing for you before learning corrections?

Corrections also helps you see ways to improve and become a much better individual.

7. An overcompetitive spirit

It's vital to be competitive at some point in life since it helps us stay in check and see the need to upgrade our skills and ideas,

But being overcompetitive? Now that's very annoying.

Ever had a sibling, friend or roommate who was always hyped up for game nights among many other activities. And the fun part is; even when defeated in games as well as other activities, they never agree that they lost! They will keep on arguing and arguing until you're tired of bickering.

Being overcompetitive causes many problems: in the workplace, at school, in relationships and most importantly in the family and in marriage.

You can imagine what it would be like if two overcompetitive individuals get married. What a house that would be!

5. Envy

Envy is a poisonous trait that has been known to wreck havoc on families and friendships. 

Envy has also led to backstabbing as well as literal back stabbings - death.

This shouldn't be a trait of yours if you want to succeed.

4. Over zealousness

The desire to perform as many tasks as possible is a wonderful feeling.

But when this quality is tuned to the max, it could become an irritating trait.

Over zealousness could lead to people around you being irritated and unwilling to communicate with you.

3. Greed

Greed is a red flag in both relationships and in official scenarios.

Greed makes it's victim feel tighhanded and unwilling to help others, even when they know they are capable of rendering some help.

This also destroys family bonds and relationship.  

So if you fall into this category, endeavor to be more open-minded and subject yourself to some sort of positive change.

2. Procrastination

I have fallen victim to this trait and I should tell you: it sucks to have this attitude.

Procrastination prevents it's victim from making quick decisions. It also makes the victim postpone activities time after time.

This kills positive vibes and should be duly avoided.

1. Negative vibes

Negative vibes are real vibe killers and if you are a person who gives off bad vibes, then no one would want to hang out with you or have any dealing with you.

This to me is the greatest negative trait of all time as you will be forced to stay on your own or hang out with people of the same negative vibes which will be harmful to you in the long run.

Thanks for reading and make sure to subscribe to the Top 10 Kings YouTube channel here.
